Vendor Assets Timeline Overview

General Timeline Process

Vendor Assets will send Request Emails once all upstream setup is complete. Requests cannot and will not be sent preemptively. Vendors are expected to respond within 48 hours of receiving the Assets Request Email, either confirming the upload is complete or providing an ETA of when assets will be submitted. Vendor Assets will send daily follow-ups until a confirmation is received. If multiple follow-ups are sent without a response, VA notifies buying team members to aid in the request.

Once Assets are Sent

Vendor Assets will review any vendor uploads within 48 hours of vendors confirming completion. After review, VA discloses if any assets are missing or pending approval. Follow-ups are sent every 48 hours until all assets are accounted for, or an ETA is provided. Once the request is complete, assets travel through the production pipeline until live on the site.

All images and copy must be correctly received by Vendor Assets at least 10 days before a PO's ship date. Assets received past deadlines risk missing out on key selling time.