Frequently Asked Questions on Image Quality Requirements

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Do all images need to have full white backgrounds?

Yes. To create a consistent customer experience, all product imagery must be submitted with a full 255 white background. The Vendor Assets team does not retouch any imagery. If white backgrounds are unavailable, VA will review on a case-by-case basis.

Can lifestyle images replace product images?

Generally no. Most items cannot go live on the site without main product imagery, with the exception of Home items that sort the lifestyle image first.

If suppliers are unable to provide main product images, Samples will secure the needed imagery through alternate methods. Please see the FAQ page on Asset Availability for more information.

What's with the naming requirements?

Images are only able to be uploaded onto and with exact matches for the "VPN-Color-Suffix Number". Images automatically sort based on suffix in each image name. Any imagery named outside of this format will cause an error in upload and delay the production pipeline. Please review the Image Quality Requirements and reach out to the Vendor Assets team for additional help with integrating correct naming into your processes.

Can I provide more than one image?

Vendors are always welcome to submit imagery that is available for a product, even if images fall outside the examples shown in the Requirements pages.

Why were my images rejected if they meet the sizing requirements?

Images can be rejected because, although the size and resolution of the digital file meets our requirements, the image/content falls below our quality standards and appear pixelated once they are resized for the site. One reason this could be happening is the digital files are up-sampled or made bigger to meet the requirements, resulting in blurry/soft images that lack detail. There could be other reasons, as well, but ultimately we feel these files do not accurately represent the items visually in quality as expected by your brand and Nordstrom.