Vendor Video Requirements

Video Requirements

Naming Convention


File format .mp4 (recommended), .mov
Dimensions minimum 1080i

1920 x 1080 pixels (16:9 widescreen aspect ratio)

1080×1920 pixels (9:16 portrait aspect ratio)

compression H.264
  • VAA considers following for approval:
    • Format - videos will need to meet the above requirements
      • Horizontal format is preferred, but vertical and square videos can be accepted. Note: these will display with letterboxing 
      • Any files named outside the requested format risk rejection or incorrect upload
    • Length  - limit videos to under a minute. 
    • Quality  - good lighting, sounds, product exposure, etc.
    • Tone  - align with Nordstrom’s brand aesthetic. Knowing it’s vendor supplied, it will naturally feel different than something we’d self-produce. We just want to make sure the tone isn’t too far off.
    • Content - video needs to show the customer how to use the product or the benefits; we should not be requesting to load commercial style videos. We also can’t upload a video that prompts the customer to go to another company’s website. (NO GIFS)


  • PDP can only support 1 video per style group and that video will appear on every split whether or not it’s relevant
    • If applying the same video to more than one item, all VPN's should be listed in the title and the video should directly address and provide benefit for every VPN
  • Provide product-specific content that shows the customer how to use the product or benefits (see guidelines below)
  • Videos should be one minute or less in length
  • We cannot upload a video that prompts the customer to go to another company’s website
  • We do not edit videos—this needs to be owned by the vendor
  • There is no systematic expiration / takedown

Providing how-to and product-specific content delivers more information to the customer at the point of conversion, offering greater understanding of product usage that would improve customer confidence in purchase decisions. These videos educate the customer and gave product-specific information that isn’t easily captured in copy or product imagery (e.g. showing how a thermostat works or how a stroller folds vs. a static image).

Vendor Assets Acquisition reviews potential submission based on the creative considerations below, along with thinking critically about what the content accomplishes. See what they are/what they’re not below for guidance:

What they are:

  • Product-specific content that provides helpful content not easily conveyed by images or description 

What they’re not—show product BUT:

  • Commercials and anything that directs customers to another website