Email Components - Imagery & Copy Request

The Vendor Assets Request email contains all the information needed for vendors or suppliers to complete all asks. 


The subject of an Assets Request email communicates three pieces of information:

1. The Nordstrom department number.

2. The brand/supplier/vendor name.

3. The date of request. 


Three links are included in the body of each email. From the top downwards, these links navigate to:

1. The "Image Request" excel document, listing which styles are in need of imagery. For an in-depth look at the elements of this file, please view the Breakdown of the Image Request File

2. The image upload location. This is a secure link shared only between VAA and brand representatives. Please review the How to Upload Images page for more information.

3. The "Product Attribute" excel document, listing which styles are in need of copy. For an in-depth look at the elements of this file, please view the Breakdown of the Product Attribute File.


Lastly, a link to the Vendor Assets Help Site is included in each team member's signature. All information regarding the Vendor Assets process is cataloged and searchable from this site.